Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Uh-mazing weekend. That is all. Happy Easter to everyone!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Snowmageddon 2013

We had another big snowfall this weekend. Crazy that its so late in the season and still snowing like this! What the heck? I'm so ready for spring and warm weather! Think we officially got like 13". That's the most snow we've had since 1982! Alex did slightly better in it this time, but I think he still hates it. Probs going to love the beach tho. I'm ok with that.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

When sissy's away...

I like to get into her stuff.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Top O' Da Mornin!

Happy St Patricks Day everyone! It's one of my fave days of the year! :) We celebrated my heritage this weekend in style. Yesterday we went to the Cottleville parade, and boy was it ever cold. Alex pretty much slept thru the entire parade, and Bella "woo woooooo'ed!" her way thru the whole thing. This resulted in an abundance of candy, more bead necklaces than we could ever want, and various other prizes and trinkets she got from the floats. I think she had a blast.

Today we woke up and had green pancakes for breakfast, courtesy of the Lenster. Chunks McGhee must have liked them, as he had 3 or 4 himself. (!) Then we went and looked at some new construction homes and walked thru some display houses. Why is it so fun to do that? *sigh* Bellz really gets a kick out of doing this and always wants to look at all the bedrooms so she can claim which one she would want for herself. Ha. Lenny took her back home this afternoon, and we ended the night with my parents coming over to join us for the traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner, complete with green serpent bread!

Alex was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S tonight. Oh my goodness. My dad gave him a couple sips of beer and his reaction was priceless! I would post a lil video of that but you would probs think I'm a bad parent for letting him have beer. :/ Maybe I will save that for another day. Until then, here are some pics from the parade and a couple pics from today.