Friday, March 27, 2015

Park it

Here are a few pics from last weekend when we went to Zachary's park.  We took Maya and Owen with us too, think the kids all enjoyed that. 

My fave are the pics of all the kiddos feeding the geese. Everybody if throwing their bread in little pieces to the geese, and then there's Nick....happily chomping away on his piece of bread. Lol

Thursday, March 26, 2015

All clear on the ears

Nick has had a lingering ear infection for the past 2 months now.  He just finished his 4th (!!!) round of different antibiotics (dont get me started) and I guess that finally did the trick. We went to an ENT earlier this week and I fully expected the doc to say "yep, he needs tubes." But on the contrary,  he said ears look fine right now and since we are on tail end of cold/flu season, we may be able to skirt by without doing anything since it doesn't seem to bother him and the ears themselves are functioning just fine per some timpanic test they did. Right ear was great, left slightly worse but still okay. Hopefully his lil eustacian tubes will grow over the spring and summer and he'll be good to go come next fall.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Those are some cute drawers ya got there

Nick's new fave thing to do is climb in the drawer in the kitchen and sit in there looking cute. Believe it or not, these pics were taken on 2 separate days...he was sportin the "Ulanoski no clothes" look both days. Big surprise, right?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Big Al's first sporting event

Alex played in his first soccer game ever this weekend! Well, as much as you can call it a game anyway. At his age, the kids mostly just run around kicking the ball aimlessly or sit out in the field chasing butterflies. ; ) 

He did alright until about the last 15 min, then he called it quits and decided he wanted to come sit by mom n dad.  He didn't want anything more to do with it after that. *sigh. Oh well, what can ya do?  He must have been zonked; he was asleep by the time we pulled out of the parking lot to go home. Hoping he makes it thru the whole game this weekend.

Friday, March 20, 2015