Thursday, July 28, 2016

No cavity club!

Alex had his first ever visit to the dentist last week and he.did.AWESOME! I was kinda worried,  thinking that could go either way with the bright lights in his eyes, the gritty sand stuff they use to polish your teeth, someone poking around in his mouth in general, but he totally blew me away. He did everything they asked him to and was actually  excited about the visit and chatting Sue up! Sooo proud of him! Also, he didn't have any cavities so he got to get his pic taken for the No Cavity Club wall. Woot! Go Alex!!! :)

Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to this guy right here...the center of my whole world. He is as good as they come when it comes to Daddies. The kiddos are so incredibly lucky they have you as a Daddy Lenny, and I am so blessed to call you my husband. Thank you for all you do for our family! We love you!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The official start of summer

Pools opened last weekend, schools are out, weather is getting warmer, but nothing says the start of summer like our first family trip to Lulu's! They've been open for a while but we promised Bella we'd wait until school was out and she was here for summer before we went so that we could all go together. I've been looking forward to this for a while. ;) Love us some Lulu's!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Batter up!

Alex recently started tball  for the first time, and so far he's loving it! We attempted soccer last year and that didn't go over all that well, so we're happy he's enjoying (and actually participating!) In tball. Not sure if it's cuz he's a year older, has a few little buddies from school on his team, or just because he prefers tball to soccer, but he seems to enjoy it. Herr are a few pix from the first practice and game.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Happy 4th birthday Alex!

Happy birthday to the sweetest, kindest, most loving and snuggly little boy in the entire world! We are soooo incredibly blessed to call you our son. Your mama and daddy love you more than you'll ever know, Alexander John Ulanoski!  Xoxo

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Easter egg hunt #1

Took the boys to a free Easter egg hunt at the Meadows this morning. Pretty cool! They enjoyed playing in the bounce houses afterwards too, although I didn't get any pics of that.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mama's boy ♡

Sunday, February 28, 2016

This kid...

He's got my heart for sure. ♡♡♡

Thursday, February 18, 2016

It's official - no more dipes!!!

Big news round these parts- Nick has successfully mastered potty training! We are soooo proud of him!  Crazy to think this is about 8 months sooner than it clicked with Alex. I guess it really does help to have a slightly older sibling to watch and try and imitate, because Nick seems to pick up a lot of stuff from Alex. At any rate, we are thrilled to no longer be changing poopy diaps. I forgot what that feels like. :) Plus I feel like we just got a raise since diapers are so dang expensive and we'll no longer be buying them. Whoohoo!

GOOOOO NICK! Mommy n Daddy love you, big boy!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nick's hospital stay

Last week Nick wasn't feeling great. He had been running a fever on and off the weekend before and slept a ton over the weekend so we knew something wasn't quite right. He was coughing quite a bit Monday morning, so I gave him a breathing treatment around 7 and decided to keep him out of school so I could take him to the doctor that morning. I gave him another breathing treatment around 8 and then we headed to the doc an hour later. We did 2 additional treatments in the office because he was breathing pretty rapidly and wasn't getting good O2 readings. They gave him an oral steroid, then waited a bit and did one last breathing treatment (that's a total of 5 in just a few short hours!) but it still didn't help. By this time he was jittery from all that Albuterol. Ugh. His oxygen level was hovering right around 92/93 and Dr Agolia doesn't like to let kids go unless it's at least 94, so he sent us down to the ER. We were there all of 5 min when a nurse came in and said they were going to end up admitting Nick. It turns out he had RSV, pneumonia,  and a double ear infection to boot. 😢 Poor guy!

We ended up staying overnight 3 nights at Progress West (I stayed there with him) and he was on/off oxygen the whole time. All things considered, he did great. He was so brave! As you can imagine, he's been pretty clingy ever since we went through  that ordeal. Hospitals can be traumatizing for a 2yo! He's definitely been a mama's boy since then. I don't mind though, I'm eating up all the extra snuggles! Love that little guy so very much and I'm happy to report he is back home and feeling much better now.