I am totes copying off Janine here. She found some bloggers that post a belly pic and do a questionnaire every month during their pregnancy ( well, honestly they do it every week, but I decided I'm just gonna do it monthly ) and I thought it was a cool idea, so here goes!
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Not yet, but getting close
SYMPTOMS: None really, other than getting tired a lot easier/faster than I used to, and I'm starting to get out of breath doing simple things like carrying Alex to the car or walking up the stairs. I also get sharp pains in my sides if I stand up too quickly or stretch the wrong way. (this is called round ligament pain)
SLEEP: I was having a really hard time sleeping a few weeks ago. I would wake up around 2 am to go pee, then not be able to go back to sleep. That has gone away now though, thank goodness. Guess i just had too much on my mind at the time. I've been worn out and sleeping like a baby lately. Also, I'm about a week away from not being able to sleep on my stomach anymore, and that's gonna kill me. :(
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK: Starting my new job! :)
HAVE U TOLD FAM/FRIENDS: Yep. Everybody but my boss knows at this point. I'm going to wait another week or so til he gets to know me a lil better before I drop that bomb. Sooooo nervous about that. ( Only bc i will be out on maternity leave during Account Management's busiest time of year ) Ugh
MISS ANYTHING: B to the e to the e to the r
MOVEMENT: I thought I felt a couple little woopty woos here and there, but nothing that made me say "oh that was he baby" with confidence...so I am gonna say no at this point.
FOOD CRAVINGS: Ice cream! Typical, right? Well at least it's not powdered white donuts. Yet!
ANYTHING MAKE YOU QUEASY: Doesn't make me queasy per se, but the smell of garlic has kinda turned me off lately.
STARTED SHOWING YET: Definitely getting there! Sometimes I feel like I just look fat. Other times my belly looks more round and I wonder how people could NOT know I'm pregnant
BABY IS A-----?????? Dunno yet but we have scheduled the 20w ultrasound, which is the one where they can usually tell the sex of the baby. U/S is June 13th @ 11am.
LOOKING FORWARD TO: Making a final decision on what we are going to be doing as far as a house goes. Just want to be DONE with all of that.
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