Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Princess and the Frog(s)

Lately we've been working with Bella on her nighttime potty training. She still wears pull ups at night and the last couple times she's been here, we've been trying our luck with letting her wear panties to bed. First 3 nights she wet the bed of course, but we still praised her because she was doing such a good job of getting up and going to the potty afterwards. Apparently, when she's at her mom's, she sleeps right through all this. Anyway, this time when she was here, we told her that if she woke up dry she would get a whole dollar and she could go to the dollar store and pick out annnnything her little heart desired. Worked like a charm! The very next night, she was dry. Maybe it was just a fluke. But whatever, she was SOOOO excited to pick out her "prize" last night. And oh, what a prize it was. See for yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha, I just think it's funny out of all the things to pick that she chooses these frogs. I guess the frogs will be hanging out with that snake in the cooler. Love the one w/ Len!
Breaker breaker J-niner