Monday, August 13, 2012

4 month checkup

Big day today - we did a photo shoot with my friend Jodi (pics will be posted soon) and then had Alex's 4 month checkup this morning. He got two shots today and did much better this time than he did at 2 months. He pretty much slept all afternoon, which I think helped any adverse reactions he may have had. Alex is now 26.75" tall, and weighed in at 20lb, 9oz. This puts him in the 95th percentile for height and 99th percentile for weight. Such a big boy!!! I was half thinking the doc would tell me this kid needs to go on a diet, but on the contrary, he said nothing of the sort. He said overall he's looking great and we can start introducing rice cereal at any time now. Looking forward to that next step!

"I weigh HOW much???"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I like that tie too!
