Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My lil sweet pea

We hit yet another milestone tonight - Alex had his first taste of solid food! (well, not including rice cereal.) We went with peas for his first veggie, and he really liked them. I have a feeling this dude is gonna enjoy anything we put in his mouth tho ;)

"God is gweat, God is good. And we thank him for our food. Amen."

 Hmmm, this tastes a little different than the cereal I'm used to.

Sure is yummy in my tummy tho!
Here Mama, let me help you with that. 

 Survey says - peas get two thumbs up from critic Alex!


Janine said...

Glad he liked the peas. The praying pic is too cute. Can't wait to see him this weekend. I just love his fuzzy herres.


Anonymous said...

Wonder if he's funna like onions or keep havin blowouts... :)

Kelly said...

He is so stinking cute!!! So impressed with you keeping your blog up! I'm so behind!