Wednesday, January 28, 2015

15 mo checkup

Mr. Nick had his 15 mo checkup yesterday. He weighed in at 27.10lbs (96%) and is 2' 8.5" tall (91%). Head circumference was way up there...50cm (99%) ha!  Nick got 2 shots yesterday and as expected, cried for just a min after the shots but settled down as soon as I picked him up. Although he currently has a double ear infection,  doc said overall he is looking great and growing just fine (duh). We got some meds for his ears and will go back in 2 weeks for a follow up.

He wasn't too thrilled with the visit at first, which was weird cuz he has never once fussed at the doc. Took him a while to warm up yesterday. The nurse said that's pretty common at the 15 mo appt. I guess they are starting to remember stuff and associate the doc w shots, etc. They said the 15 mo, 18 mo, and 2yr appts are the worst but then most kids are good after that.

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