Tuesday, December 1, 2015

You're a popsicle!

So I was rocking Nick the other night and trying to get him to go to sleep and he was chatting up a storm - he was wound up and did NOT want to settle down that night for whatever reason. I started humming a lullaby and he said "no! Stop it mommy!" Lol. So of course being the tease I am, I kept doing it for a couple minutes. ;) Every time I would start humming again, he would holler at me. Finally I told him "You are IMPOSSIBLE!" And he goes, "I want a popsicle!" Bahahaha! Mind you it was nearly 10pm by this time. I could NOT stop laughing. Clearly he thought I was calling him a popsicle. He kept looking at me with his little smirk saying "I want a popsicle" over and over again so he could see my reaction. Hilarious. I was laughing so hard I was crying! That kid is something else.

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