Monday, March 15, 2010

I survived!

So my friend Val and I signed up for this boot camp challenge a couple weeks ago, and today was the first day of boot camp. I am happy to report I am still standing. Luckily, 1/2 the class was spent going over paperwork and getting measurements. Had it not been for the measurements, I may have collapsed of sheer exhaustion - we had to be there at 6:00 am, and this is the day after Daylight Savings Time when we already lost an hour of sleep. AHHHH! There were some "veterans" there who had done the bootcamp before, so while all us newbies were doing paperwork, the veterans worked out. At one point, I heard the instructor tell them to do 100 pushups. I about picked up my stuff and walked out right then and there. Are you KIDDING me? I can do maybe like 5 pushups. 100 is unheard of! This should be an interesting 6 weeks....

On a different note, did you remember to vote for us in the Flaunt Your Rock contest today???
Vote for Gretchen and Lenny!

1 comment:

Janine said...

Go Gretchen, Go Gretchen!!! Maybe at the end of Bootcamp, you'll be doing 100 pushups too!!!

I voted. But I voted for couple #4 this time. Hope u aren't mad. Just kidding!! You got my vote once again. U better win. :)