Saturday, May 8, 2010

5K - check!

When boot camp ended a few weeks ago, Valerie, Cheri, and I wanted to continue some kind of workout routine so that we wouldn't lose everything we had worked towards. We decided to sign up for a 5K and have been meeting in the mornings to train over the past couple of weeks. Val and Cheri had both done 5Ks several times before, but this was a first for me. Today was the big day, and my goal was to run the entire thing (3.1 miles) without having to walk. I came very close to doing it, but I must admit I did end up walking a couple of times. We all finished in under 32 minutes, so I was happy with that. We plan on doing a few more 5Ks over the summer, and our goal for the next one is to finish in under 30. Anyone wanna join us? :)


Anonymous said...

Good job dude!! I *might* consider doing one. I need to get in better shape though. I'll prlly come in last. :)

Gretchen said...

OMG you should totally do it J9! I guarantee you won't come in last.

Remember when we did the L6 walk and accidentally started at the front of the pack, so when they started the race there was a whole mob of people running and we got trapped up in it and we were like, DYING?! ha

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll think about it. Let me know when you plan on doing the next one as long as it's not in like 2 weeks or something.
Yeah, that was hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Well , when do we get more cute tick collecting pics. and happenings? That is soooo last week! No oily,gummy pedicures! or alligator/python hunting. luv sony

Kelly said...

I'm starting to train for one myself, would like to do 2 this year, first one is July 18 :)