Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011

I'm a couple days late posting this, but I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Here is a little recap of our weekend:

On Christmas Eve, we met Keith and my parents at church for the candlelight service, then they came over for dinner and a rousing game of Pictionary by the fireplace. So fun! It was me and Soney against the boys, and unfortunately they kicked our butts. Oh well...we'll get em next time!

Christmas afternoon, we all met out at Dean and Stacey's for Christmas dinner and presents. Paul and Linda joined us as well. It was so nice to celebrate with both families together!

Monday we were both off work and I wasn't feeling all that great, so I slept pretty much all afternoon while Lenny went to go get Bella. Didn't do a whole lot that night other than dinner and a couple games before bath and bedtime.

Tues we woke up and opened the presents we had gotten each other, then the 3 of us (well, 3.5 I guess) headed over to Paul and Linda's to have our traditional Christmas breakfast with them and watch Bellz open her gifts.

It's always nice to be able to spend the time with our families around this time of year. It's funny that the older you get, the less important the gifts are. I enjoy all our time together more than anything. All in all, another great Christmas is in the books!   
Gretch: "Oh, the plate looks so cute! Who decorated that, Carson?"  Stace: "I DID." hahah. Love ya Stace! :)

Poor Keith has a case of kidney stones and hasn't been feeling well, so he didn't have much to eat that day :(


Family pic - Attempt #1

Family pic - Attempt #2 (Nice Len!!!)

Family pic - Attempt #3. We finally have a winner!

And one with Paul and Linda, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! But where's your bump pic?? From the looks of it, u look nowhere huge!!!
