Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 week Dr's Appointment

I had my 30 week appointment yesterday and everything looked good. In fact, Dr Cartwright said that if it wasn't for the ultrasound I have scheduled on the 28th, I could skip my next appointment since everything is going so well. Don't want to skip an u/s tho, those are my fave appointments! It's so cool to see lil man squirming and moving all around on the screen! <3 So that will be in 2 weeks. Hopefully I'll get some good pics to post.

She also said, and I quote, "You ROCKED your glucose test a few weeks ago!" And then when she went to measure my belly and I lifted up my shirt, she told me that I was all baby. Whoo hoo! Here I am, stuffing my face with donuts and chocolate covered cherries and Valentine's chocolates, and she tells me I'm all baby. I think she's trying to get on my good side. It's working.

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