Wednesday, June 12, 2013

20 Weeks


MATERNITY CLOTHES: Yep, for the most part all my pants/shorts are maternity now. Still have a couple pairs of "normal" pants I'm able to fit into. Usually have to leave them unbuttoned and wear a belly band with those though.

STRETCH MARKS: No sir! I'm trying to stay oiled up and lotioned up so I don't get any!

SYMPTOMS: Started having some heartburn in the evenings the past couple days. Fun stuff. And I threw up the other night, but I think that was like a 24 hour bug thing, not necessarily related to the pregnancy. I can't imagine having morning sickness and throwing up every single day like some other moms do. I really feel for them.

SLEEP: No longer able to sleep on my belly. :( Boo. But other than that I am sleeping well.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK: Taking the day off Monday and getting in lots of quality 1 on 1 time with my baby (well, my big boy now!). We hit up two different parks/playgrounds, had a picnic lunch, and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing in his baby pool in the backyard. He looooooves splashing around in that pool! He kept trying to squirt me with his little squirty toys, then he would giggle up a storm. Stinkpot!

HAVE U TOLD FAM/FRIENDS: Yep. Everybody knows now. Old news. lol.

MISS ANYTHING: Sleepin on my belly. Working out hard core. Drinking frozen drinky drinks.

MOVEMENT: Yep, feelin this lil puddin pop move around quite a bit now! Lots of "popcorn kicks" (feels like popcorn kernals going off inside your belly) and I even thought I could feel the kicks on the outside of my belly a couple times too now!

FOOD CRAVINGS: Still all about the sweet stuff. Have a feeling I'm going to be packing on the pounds this time around because I've been eating so much dang ice cream. I'll get the weight off eventually though. I'm determined!

ANYTHING MAKE YOU QUEASY: I did get kinda car sick and nauseous the other day for some reason. Probs due to Lenny's crazy driving!!! ;) I made him pull over so I could drive though. Felt a lil better once I was in control of the car. It was strange.
STARTED SHOWING YET: Oh yeah. I think I "popped" right around 18weeks. Definitely have a lil belly  now.

BABY IS A-----?????? WE WILL FIND OUT TOMORROW! (as long as the baby cooperates anyway) Ultrasound is at 11am! I feel like it's a girl. I looked at the Chinese gender prediction chart and it said I'm having a girl too. If the Chinese chart says so, it MUST be true. ha. I'll keep ya posted!
BELLY BUTTON IN OR OUT: In. Kinda starting to get flush with my belly though.

LOOKING FORWARD TO: The ultrasound tomorrow of course. And also looking forward to picking a design for the kids' rooms, nursery, and play area/loft in the new house. Oooh the possibilities are endless!

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