Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to this guy right here. Love. Himmmmmmm.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cutie patootie

I think he looks like Grumpa in these pics.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Arch

We were a couple of brave souls over the weekend- took 5 kiddos down to the Arch! (Our 3 plus we were watching Maya n Owen that day). Although construction, heat, and wait times made the trip somewhat miserable for Lenny and I,  the kids were actually very well behaved. They really enjoyed the ride to the top in the "spaceship" looking pod thing and they looooved looking out the windows once we were up there.

It happened to rain when we were up in the Arch and it was a really cool experience to see the waves of rain coming before it actually hit us. Pretty neat! Even saw a full rainbow a few min after it stopped. Probs wont ever see that again! However, the downside of being up there during that downpour was that we could feel the structure swaying in the wind. It freaked me out! Totally felt like we were rocking on a boat. YIKES. Think I'm good to go after experiencing that.  Yeesh.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Not to be outdone...

So now that Mr. Nick has seen how it all works thanks to his big bro Alex, he's decided he's ready to go on the pot too! At first I thought it was just a fluke, but he has gone on pee pee on the pot 4 or 5 times now when we've put him on there. He's even pooped once at Nana's house.  Woot! Mabes he will be a little quicker with the potty training than Bellz n Alex were. Only time will tell I guess.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Dress like an adult day

One of the benefits of sending the kiddos to a regular daycare as opposed to an in home setting is that we get to participate in fun spirit weeks! This was "Dress like an adult day" at Great Beginnings last week. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

I'm a big kid now

Guess who is officially potty trained now?!?! Alex! Whoo hoo! He has been doing soooo good with it the past couple weeks; we are very proud of him. It all seemed to click when we took our trip up to Wisconsin over Memorial Day weekend. He still has an occasional accident here or there, but 90% of the time those are when he's napping, which I'd expect for a while still. For the most part, he's doing awesome.

His "prize" for mastering the potty was a new pair of light up Spiderman shoes - his choice obvy. :) He's obsessed with his new "super super super fast shoes" and we even have a backup pair at Granny and Grumpa's too (there's a back story there but to protect the innocent, I won't get into that). We also told him he'll get a special night at Chuck e Cheese as soon as he's 100% done w dipes and is staying dry during naps and at night too. I'm looking forward to that one, probs cuz Buzzy Bee and Skee Ball!