Thursday, June 4, 2015

I'm a big kid now

Guess who is officially potty trained now?!?! Alex! Whoo hoo! He has been doing soooo good with it the past couple weeks; we are very proud of him. It all seemed to click when we took our trip up to Wisconsin over Memorial Day weekend. He still has an occasional accident here or there, but 90% of the time those are when he's napping, which I'd expect for a while still. For the most part, he's doing awesome.

His "prize" for mastering the potty was a new pair of light up Spiderman shoes - his choice obvy. :) He's obsessed with his new "super super super fast shoes" and we even have a backup pair at Granny and Grumpa's too (there's a back story there but to protect the innocent, I won't get into that). We also told him he'll get a special night at Chuck e Cheese as soon as he's 100% done w dipes and is staying dry during naps and at night too. I'm looking forward to that one, probs cuz Buzzy Bee and Skee Ball!

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