Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Arch

We were a couple of brave souls over the weekend- took 5 kiddos down to the Arch! (Our 3 plus we were watching Maya n Owen that day). Although construction, heat, and wait times made the trip somewhat miserable for Lenny and I,  the kids were actually very well behaved. They really enjoyed the ride to the top in the "spaceship" looking pod thing and they looooved looking out the windows once we were up there.

It happened to rain when we were up in the Arch and it was a really cool experience to see the waves of rain coming before it actually hit us. Pretty neat! Even saw a full rainbow a few min after it stopped. Probs wont ever see that again! However, the downside of being up there during that downpour was that we could feel the structure swaying in the wind. It freaked me out! Totally felt like we were rocking on a boat. YIKES. Think I'm good to go after experiencing that.  Yeesh.

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