Thursday, January 12, 2012

And we have a registry, folks!

We didn't do much of anything last weekend - Lenny had gone home early from work Friday because he wasn't feeling well, and I was still trying to rest up cuz I have been trying to kick the cold I've had for the last couple weeks also. Soooo, we figured this would be a good weekend to go register for baby stuff. We now officially have a registry at both Babies R Us and at Target. Yay! I expected it to be overwhelming (how do you know what's going to be best between 5 diff brands of bottles/nipples???), but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be thanks to a lot of recommendations and tips from friends. We really enjoyed picking everything out. It's amazing how many products they have out there that make taking care of a baby so much easier than it used to be. Thank you to all my friends who sent us suggestions on what worked best for them. Much appreciated!

Think my fave thing we registered for was the pack n play. This thing is pimped out!!! We are planning on having baby U sleep in our room with us in the PnP for the first couple months, and this is going to work perfectly for that since he'll be right next to me. I'm getting more and more excited as each day passes. Can't wait to meet my lil man. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! Can't wait to meet him either.

"Auntie" Neeners