Friday, January 6, 2012

Attack of the canks

So usually when I mention "canks," I'm talking about canker sores. I've had my fair share of canks thru the years, and I can't say they are fun to deal with. I haven't had one in a while though, knock on wood. Now I'm having the pleasure of experiencing a new kind of cank - the CANKLE!!! SO not fun.We have been working a ton of OT lately and I didn't get home from work til almost 8pm last night. Check out how swollen my feet were from being chained to my desk all day. Can we say disgusting??? I about barfed when I took my shoe off and saw this puffy thang staring back at me. Euhhh.


Anonymous said...

Hope your swelling is under control since it's the weekend! and hopefully u didn't have to work. Poor thing. I shoulda took pics of my legs when I was prego, we coulda compared canks! :)


Gretchen said...

Yep, as long as I'm not at work slaving away from my desk all day, i'm good to go! No more swelling since then.

PS - Dude. I have some UUUUUGLY feet.