Friday, January 27, 2012


At one of my first OB appointments, my doctor informed us that she delivers at Missori Baptist, St. John's (Mercy Hospital), and DePaul Hospital, and we'd need to choose which one we would deliver at. Over the past few months, we scheduled tours of the Labor and Delivery Center for each of these hospitals. Last night was our final tour. They were kind of fun! Still haven't decided which one it'll be, but we've narrowed it down to either St. John's or Depaul. I like the overall hospital at St. John's better, but the birthing suites are way nicer at DePaul, and that is where we will be most of the time so maybe it makes sense to go with that one. Hoping to figure it out in the next couple days so I can let my doc know which one it will be at my 28 week appt on Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

You'll have to tell me more about DePaul on Monday.


Amy said...

Ask your OB which hospital has better anesthesiologists (if you are going to get an epidural).