Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time to diet...or something

Saturday I went down to the bridal show at America's Center with my mom, Linda, and Janine. My favorite part of the show was of course the food and wedding cake samples. :) I swear we ate enough food to feed an entire army of brides! I was seriously stuffed and didn't want another bite of food after that. And then of course we passed a chocolate fountain on the way out the door so I just HAD to try a sample. I mean, c'mon, who can pass up a chocolate fountain??? Not I said the fly.

After seeing all the wedding gowns on display, I realized I better start thinking about a dress because September will be here before we know it! SO....I made an appointment to go dress shopping Saturday. Yay! Hopefully after trying on some dresses, it will motivate me to get my butt in gear and start working out again! Wish me luck with that one. If the working out thing doesn't go well, I suppose I could always use the excuse that Lenny loves me just the way I am, right? ;)

1 comment:

Amy said...

How exciting!!! Have fun on Saturday!