Sunday, March 18, 2012

2nd Birthing Class

Yeah, so the 2nd birthing class wasn't much better than that first one. All we did was go over all these different positions you can do to make yourself a little more comfortable and to help the baby descend once you start having contractions. You can stand, lean forward, squat, use a birthing ball, get on all fours, use a warm birthing tub, lay on your side, blah blah blah. I mean, duh. Of course you're going to get in whatever posish feels best for you, and obviously if you're more upright and not laying down, gravity is going to help bring that baby down and get him out. Pretty much everything we've covered so far is for if you plan on having a natural, unmedicated birth. Here I am all the while thinking, "Bring on the epidural!!!" So yeah, once again, the class was not all that helpful. Think we will skip it this week and then go again the last week when they do a tour of L&D. At least that way we'll know where to go when we get to the hospital next month. (even though we already toured the hospital when we were deciding which one we were going to give birth at...but that was several months ago and we forgot where to go. It's a big hospital, OKAY???)

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